Quoi de neuf dans le porn ? #49

August Ames nous a quittés. Elle était la plus joyeuse des actrices et saupoudrait nos timelines de sa bonne humeur. Je me freinais pour vous mettre ses tweets. Je me disais que vous alliez en avoir marre de la voir chaque semaine. Maintenant, on ne la verra plus ici et je regrette de ne pas l’avoir mise plus souvent dans la sélection.
Son seul défaut : elle n’aimait pas les avocats.
avocados are…I'm gonna say it….gross, I fucking hate them https://t.co/T0dXcR2hAH
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) August 7, 2017
Mais je me souviendrai d’elle comme la fille joyeuse des plateaux pornos.
I got a golden ticket!!! 😍❤️🎁❤️ @PornPros 💗🌈👄 pic.twitter.com/dm490KaGtx
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) November 17, 2017
La mort d’August a choqué l’ensemble de la profession. Elle aurait dû choquer l’ensemble de la planète, mais comme c’est du porno, on n’en parle pas autant qu’il faudrait. L’accent est mis sur le harcèlement en ligne. Il touche autant que celui en face à face. Twitter est un peu devenu une guerre de tranchées entre ceux qui ont violemment répondu au tweet d’August, ceux qui ont exprimé leur avis et ceux qui ont défendu Ames. Tout le monde s’accuse et ça devient parfois du cyberharcèlement. Drôle de boucle vicieuse. Je vous épargne ces réactions à chaud.
L’accent est aussi mis par les membres de la communauté X sur la dépression, maladie qui touchait August. Missy Martinez a lancé une espèce de mouvement où chacun partage ses troubles. La parole se libère sur les problèmes psychologiques que nous pouvons tous avoir dans nos vies.
Let’s end the stigma right now. Hi, I’m Missy and I’ve been dealing with severe depression for 15 years. #MentalHealthMatters
— Missy Martinez (@MissyXMartinez) December 8, 2017
I'm Riley. I've strugged with depression and anxiety from a young age. I started my workday Friday with a call to my therapist. And I'm here for you if you need me. #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness
— Riley Reyes (@RileyReyXXX) December 10, 2017
Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and addiction issues right here. #MentalHealthMatters https://t.co/H7j2mMa2nr
— Mike Quasar (@mikequasar) December 9, 2017
I went to therapy for years for PTSD it saved my life in a lot of ways. When you’re young things are especially hard to understand. Submit to life and ask for help when you need it. That’s how you survive. https://t.co/3MlMzT6oBk
— Daddy B (@BryanGozzling) December 9, 2017
Hi I’m Demi and I’ve been dealing with depression and bi polar for about 9 years. ❤️ I love you Missy Fartinez 💕💕💕
— Whorebag McFuckstick (@demiXdolce) December 8, 2017
I have addiction problems, big time. Alcoholism specifically. #MentalHealthMatters https://t.co/H0HmpBP7m0
— Holly Randall (@hollyrandall) December 9, 2017
My name is Katrina. diagnosed C-PTSD, BPD, depression, and suicidal tendencies in my past.
Sometimes, things just don’t feel right. #MentalHealthMatters https://t.co/jmxk0hf0Z5— Katrina fuckin Jade (@kj_fetishmodel) December 9, 2017
Hi my name is Charlotte and I struggle with OCD, C-PTSD, BPD, depression + anxiety. I had a failed suicide attempt just a few weeks ago.
— charlotte cross (@TheCrossXXX) December 10, 2017
Plusieurs voix s’élèvent pour appeler au boycott de certains performeurs·euses à la cérémonie des Xbiz.
The people closest to August know how much this last argument effected her. I urge @Xbiz to take a stand, for her loved ones. I stand with August.
— Kissa Sins (@KissaSins) December 9, 2017
Enfin, il s’agit surtout dans ce cas de Jessica Drake, qui sera l’hôte de la soirée de récompenses. Ce qu’elle a pu dire, je vous le colle ci-dessous.
performers, by all means, fuck who you want to fuck…
but if you're eliminating folks based on the fact they they may have done gay or crossover work, your logic is seriously flawed.
reality is, WE DON'T KNOW who does what with whom when there are no cameras.
👀— jessica drake (@thejessicadrake) December 4, 2017
no sex is 100% "safe", and sticking to one kind of performer won't help you when no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
decide what health risks you are comfortable taking for the price of a scene and make an educated decision about how best to protect yourself.
— jessica drake (@thejessicadrake) December 4, 2017
there are MANY options out there for people in and out of the biz to use- testing, condoms, dental dams, gloves, internal condoms, PreP- depending on what you're into and what works for you. learn about these & make an educated decision.
— jessica drake (@thejessicadrake) December 4, 2017
fuck it, i'll go one further…
some of my BEST scenes have been with trans women & "crossover" talent.😍
— jessica drake (@thejessicadrake) December 4, 2017
Jaclyn Taylor (et d’autres) arrive pour souligner la contradiction de son petit thread. Car oui, les actrices ont le droit de refuser de travailler avec qui elles veulent.
To be honest, saying fuck who you want to fuck, but saying “ but if you don’t agree w/ me” ur logic is flawed is not right, that indeed is a form of bullying, & since ur such an advocate for women’s rights, ur basically condemning someone for doin just that no?
— Jaclyn Taylor (@TheJaclynTaylor) December 8, 2017
Au-delà du cas d’August, il semble courir dans le porno américain cette idée que les acteurs travaillant dans le gay sont plus à risque et se testeraient moins souvent. Certains en ont profité pour faire le point sur cette question.
My gay and trans porn friends get the same test I do as often as I do.
Every 7, 14, or 30 days.— Violet October (@VioletOctober) December 4, 2017
For the record when I do a condomless scene I am tested 7 days prior and 24hrs prior to my scene. Two tests in one week, both on the pass system. pic.twitter.com/HhV63lQ6Fv
— Pierce Paris (@PierceParisXXX) December 8, 2017
From what I am told by a gay performer friend of mine the gay industry has started adopting the pass system or test..they use the Elisa test in some cases, however that has not been updated or told to the Straight industry and this could be valued information to update them on
— TURNCOAT (@MrsKellyPierce) December 8, 2017
Au-delà de tout ça, beaucoup préfèrent dispenser des messages d’amour à tous les travailleurs et travailleuses du sexe. Le monde en a assez contre eux, il faudrait éviter d’en rajouter.
I always say we need to love & support our peers. We all struggle emotionally in this industry. We lose people when we don't care for them.
— Nikki Hearts (@NikkiHeartsx) December 6, 2017
We all need to be kinder to each other no matter the conversation. RIP @AugustAmesxxx…….my heart is so incredibly heavy.
— Madeline Marlowe (@MaitresseM) December 6, 2017
Le travail continue. Ça charbonne dans la bonne humeur et le respect.
here’s my stupid face documenting lesbian things pic.twitter.com/sKyLDPRh9s
— Nikki Hearts (@NikkiHeartsx) December 9, 2017
Et la femme de Nikki, Leigh Raven, voit son agresseur condamné.
Today the young man that assaulted me at the Denver @EXXXOTICA was sentenced. Justice was served ✌🏼
— Leigh Raven (@leighravenx) December 9, 2017
Le porno est aussi une façon de reprendre le contrôle sur son corps, de reprendre le contrôle de sa vie.
Idc if it’s like beating a dead horse but I refuse to let people think pornstars are held hostage and are raped because they “have no control of their body”. There’s good and bad in every lifestyle. And this by far has been my best one. I love porn and it got me off the streets🖤
— Aaliyah Hadid👸🏽 (@letmesuckyadick) December 10, 2017
Le BDSM aussi. Faire du sexe avec des limites, ça aide, car on dessine un cadre dans lequel on peut se sentir à l’aise, en confiance, le respect des règles est très important et permet de se livrer totalement.
I had to pull down the majority of my posts bc my blog was intended to be anonymous but here's something that I wrote about Healing Through BDSM #MentalHealthMatters https://t.co/6hV6UxV9IE
— charlotte cross (@TheCrossXXX) December 10, 2017
Petite série de photos avec August dedans.
The laughter was real pic.twitter.com/A6gltIoMrW
— G (@GiaPaige) December 8, 2017
beautiful girl, i wish this was all some messed up joke. you’ll never EVER be forgotten. your energy was one of a kind, gone WAY too soon i still can’t even believe it pic.twitter.com/QhicAwHqgI
— danger (@Abella_Danger) December 6, 2017
Reast easy August Ames thank you for being there for me during that hard time. pic.twitter.com/maVJA9jPFM
— Keisha Grey (@littlekeish) December 6, 2017
I got to work with August last year, her smile lit up the room. She was the sweetest & funniest Canadian chick, reminded me of family. A true legend, never forgotten, R.I.P August Ames
❤️ pic.twitter.com/AfzsmxbAcS— Marley Brinx (@MarleyBrinx) December 6, 2017
You were always there for me when I was feeling sad or sensitive and I’ll always love you. I’m sorry I didn’t do more to help. RIP Auggie pic.twitter.com/pI6vRvPct5
— Kissa Sins (@KissaSins) December 6, 2017
#SundayFunday #vixen (by @greglansky) style with @AugustAmesxxx @rileyreidx3 & @Abella_Danger 😎☀️💦 pic.twitter.com/ipomNyn0N5
— VIXEN (@VIXEN) December 3, 2017
Follow my insta if you’re bored, it’s pretty entertaining😋😍🔥❤️🌈💗 ~ @msmaplefever 👉🏽 https://t.co/fN03KlOorv👈🏽👅👄💦 pic.twitter.com/niEeVQltez
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) November 17, 2017
my life, everywhere I go, this is me- I gotta pee🤤💦 #msmaplefever #mapletitsmcgee #canadianbabes #alwayshydrated #sometimesmotivated 💜💗👑💕 pic.twitter.com/yDUTUef5oE
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) October 18, 2017
when someone tells me to fuck off on social media 🙂🌻🍩💖 pic.twitter.com/7FUdsuVQNY
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) October 12, 2017
we are fucking gorgeous @IsiahMaxwell 😍 pic.twitter.com/AlhZHJSmoP
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) September 28, 2017
💗✌🏽☀️ HELLO WISCONSIN ☀️✌🏽💗 pic.twitter.com/ErXMQ3oMaX
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) September 27, 2017
😂😂😂😂 how come this is the 1st time I'm seeing this?😜💗💖😂💯 @CarterCruise @littlekeish @AidraFOfficial 👅❤️💯🍯 pic.twitter.com/3c33FYkRjM
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) August 26, 2017
The best part of my day: receiving my 1st blanket of Kushybaby from @printyourpet 💚💕💚💕 Such amazing quality& it's my BABY!💜💜 pic.twitter.com/4vsnJ9E56g
— August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) July 23, 2017
Photo de une : August Ames et Kushybaby qui était partie au paradis des chats au mois d’octobre.
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