Quoi de neuf dans le porn ? #58

Il ne devait pas y avoir de Quoi de neuf cette semaine. J’avais prévu de me sevrer de l’Internet du cul, une manière de NoFap challenge. Pas d’idéologie anti-masturbation derrière ce souhait, juste l’envie de donner une profondeur différente aux nombreuses heures que je consacre à mater mes divers comptes Twitter, où je veille assidûment sur nos porn stars préférées. C’était donc plutôt un NoTwitter challenge. Eh bien mes ami·e·s, je n’ai pas réussi ! Drogué à Internet depuis 1996, je n’arrive pas vraiment à lâcher la corde, j’aime trop descendre les TLs tout schuss et slalomer entre les comptes fakes, les bites en PP et les milliers de RTs inintéressants. Voici donc le 58e Koi29, vous pouvez dire merci à ma dépendance.
Attaque par ricochet, le porno a pris un taquet sans rien demander. À Hollywood, on aime bien critiquer Trump, tant mieux pour eux. Mais là, on ne sait trop comment, le porno est devenu un allié du président des USA ou un truc qu’il apprécie (soi-disant) et qui devient donc condamnable. Étant donné qu’il aime le golf, je vous invite aussi à revoir votre avis sur ce sport qui n’en est pas vraiment un.
Il y a eu d’abord Chelsea Handler, inconnue au bataillon de ce côté de l’Atlantique (sans doute une comique). Elle a balancé un skud contre le président des USA, incluant les porn stars aux côtés des « child molesters », des maris violents et des hackers russes. Quel est le rapport ?
There is an entire generation of children who’s first memory of their President is a man who supports child molestors, wife beaters, Russian hacking, and porn stars. It is our responsibility to make that a memory and not a consistency. We all have a moral obligation. Keep going.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) February 10, 2018
L’industrie s’est offusquée à juste titre d’être mise en lien direct avec ces personnes qui devant un juge seraient condamnées, alors qu’eux ne font que du divertissement en toute légalité.
A Pornstar is someone that has a legal a job that pays taxes and should have equal access to democracy but gets stigmatized by the same population that uses our services. Please delete this and reword it. You're shitting on a lot of good people. Happy to have dinner and discuss. https://t.co/93R9awOiuA
— Sovereign Syre (@SovereignSyre) February 11, 2018
Disappointed to see you @chelseahandler equate porn performers with abusers. There are many good (kind, honest, smart, respectful) people in the adult film industry.
Porn stars (ie mostly women!) enjoy – and benefit – from sex work. Seems like something you should stand for! https://t.co/RPBSh6Q1a2
— Jiz Lee (@jizlee) February 11, 2018
Whoa, I've always been a fan of @chelseahandler until this stupid ass tweet. How dare she lump us in with child molestors. AND THIS BITCH POSED FOR PLAYBOY. https://t.co/JDmstiteIf
— Lexi Belle (@OMGitsLexi) February 11, 2018
Pornstars on the same level of child molesters & wife beaters? How dare you shame us & continue the stigma that goes along with our industry. Most of us are hard working, honest, liberated, independent woman. We deserve support from our families & our country. @chelseahandler https://t.co/zcTbIXYggq
— Riley Reid (@rileyreidx3) February 11, 2018
We (pornstars) provide legal entertainment that comedians have cashed in on for decades. It’s 2018 and your sex worker stigma bullshit is tired and pathetic.
— MickeyMod (@theMickeyMod) February 11, 2018
fun fact: @chelseahandler once tried to book me on her show, and the number of mainstream celebs i've seen at swinger's/sex clubs/bachelor parties/my DMs is staggering. the hypocrisy is MINDBLOWING. so much shame around sex, porn, sexworkers. #endthestigma https://t.co/Kls387p1I0
— jessica drake (@thejessicadrake) February 12, 2018
This is exactly why everyone in the porn industry needs to stop fighting with eachother and stick together. This is how all of ur empty mainstream idols feel about you. I don’t care how cool what kinda music how funny, if they don’t make a living doing sex work they don’t get it https://t.co/NgyOUHBffL
— 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕭 (@BryanGozzling) February 11, 2018
It’s disheartening to see even progressive celebrities like Chelsea Handler have such negative views on the adult industry and its workers. Archaic views on sex, sexuality and sex workers is highly prevalent, along with misinformation. It’s 2018, people. Fuck with the lights on.
— Missy Martinez (@MissyXMartinez) February 11, 2018
Ensuite, il y a eu Judd Apatow. Il fait un bingo avec ce que Trump soutient ou ne soutient pas, et au milieu de toutes ces choses, il y a les porn stars. Je dois avouer à ma chère audience que je suis pro-porn stars. Je vous laisse donc me ranger dans les affreux de ce monde. Quel esprit défoncé peut associer des travailleurs au reste de cette liste ? Vraiment, je ne comprends pas pourquoi dire une chose pareille. Je suis désemparé.
Trump is pro sexual assault, anti environmentalist, anti banking regulations, pro debt, anti immigrant, pro porn star, anti women’s rights, anti health care for all, pro KFC, anti reading, anti exercise, pro domestic abusers, pro Gitmo, anti gun safety, pro P grabbing. https://t.co/fXlqNzZgIN
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) February 11, 2018
Why is everyone so hateful to porn stars https://t.co/E1BOtuT2Ip
— Vienna Black (@itsViennaBlack) February 11, 2018
First @chelseahandler and now Apatow. Even people I agree with on most issues think of sex workers as evil. Same sort of people attacked Trump because his wife posed nude. There are plenty of reasons to attack Trump without attacking women who are already marginalized. https://t.co/Gj3N6rieec
— Nate Igor Smith (@drivenbyboredom) February 11, 2018
RT if you’re “pro pornstars” & if you support the artists of the adult industry. I do. 🙏 @JuddApatow & @chelseahandler
— Greg Lansky (@GregLansky) February 12, 2018
Crise sanitaire dans le porno US : le ringworm effraie sur les tournages. J’ai de grosses lacunes en médecine, mais il s’agirait de dermatophytoses, des infections de la peau dues à un champignon. C’est contagieux en tout cas. Du coup, ça se vérifie la moindre parcelle d’épiderme avant de se lancer dans la passion sexuelle.
I'm not shooting porn for anyone but myself until the ringworm crisis is over 🤷🏽♀️
— janice (@rejaniced) February 11, 2018
Advisory: Warning, Fungal Infection Speading in the Performer Pool @FSCArmy Know the facts. https://t.co/xmRFow0Uvc pic.twitter.com/nuLVfU2cga
— APAC (@apacsocial) February 8, 2018
Lee Roy Myers est toujours en quête de faire du milieu porno américain un endroit plus accueillant et protecteur. Il a fixé les dates pour ses ateliers sur la production et la réalisation de contenus XXX.
FREE ADULT PRODUCTION WORKSHOP for adult industry, cam models, sex workers. Hopefully we can help you learn some new stuff to make your own content or just to learn some new skills!
*Thank you @RileyReyXXX and @apacsocial for the killer promo below! pic.twitter.com/Yzn5ziRZz5— Lee Roy Myers (@leeroymyers) February 8, 2018
Il a aussi envie de mettre en place l’idée des royalties. Là, ça fait débat par contre. Payer des droits sur les scènes paraît assez compliqué pour la plupart des sociétés de production (ou alors, elles ne veulent pas faire l’effort). Mais Lee Roy va d’abord rendre l’argent sur le merchandising. C’est un thread, cliquez pour lire la suite.
In order to do our part to make things in the industry better, @Wood_Rocket will be launching a merchandise royalty program this year for any performers, models, and artists featured on our merchandise (pins, shirts, posters, etc). I hope that other studios will do the same.
— Lee Roy Myers (@leeroymyers) February 10, 2018
Autant les gros du marché, rachetés par MindGeek s’en sortent, autant les petits indépendants ont plus de mal en vendant leurs scènes à des agrégateurs comme Evil Angel. C’est le cas de Bryan Gozzling par exemple qui a sorti un petit « rant » contre Pornhub et l’hypocrisie derrière leur programme de rémunération.
Ur not getting royalties because pornhub monopolizes the industry and has all the money. The only companies that can pay royalties to performers are those owned by pornhub. If that’s what you want ok but if you want a better industry for performers, think of the bigger picture.
— 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕭 (@BryanGozzling) February 9, 2018
I have a rule: “All girls should make as much money for their efforts as possible” but pornhub is tricking everyone into thinking they have access to more money when really we don’t bc PH has it all. None of us will ever earn what we deserve while pornhub controls our industry.
— 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕭 (@BryanGozzling) February 9, 2018
Aria de Pornhub avait réagi, mais elle a effacé son tweet, auquel répondait Bryan ci-dessous.
Ayyyye but u don’t pay royalties to models in my scenes on PH.. How come? And what about all the stolen content that models appear in? Do they get royalties for those too? I appreciate u but this is a losing argument. PH = a less healthy porn industry no matter how u look at it https://t.co/l7vNP3moFI
— 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕭 (@BryanGozzling) February 9, 2018
Pornhub qui avait bien fait rire tout le monde quand ils ont annoncé effacer les vidéos de deepfakes. Alors que la plupart des contenus sont uploadés sans respect de la propriété intellectuelle.
Ah give me a break pornhub you host millions of pirated videos that companies didn't give consent to you posting and that's ok lol
The only reason this was removed so quickly is cause it involves the rich and the famous 👌🏻 https://t.co/1rGQNYnu6F— Emily Bloom (@TheEmilyBloom) February 8, 2018
Si vous comprenez bien l’anglais, vous pouvez écouter la mésaventure d’Emma Hix qui était bookée pour un tournage à 20h, mais son partenaire du jour n’a pas pu lui montrer un test à jour. Elle a dû tout gérer elle-même, ce qui colle une mauvaise réputation à son agence Foxxx Modeling.
Performers should not be treated this way. I’m sorry I had to say how I feel. pic.twitter.com/Y0uYaXhanV
— EMMA HIX👑 (@emmahixofficial) February 9, 2018
Foxxx Modeling is cancelled. https://t.co/Cn0AyshpNq
— CATJIRA •tv (@catjiratv) February 9, 2018
Le chemin est encore long pour effacer le stigma du porn dans la société et même dans le milieu porn.
This industry deserves better, sex workers deserve better. It disgusting seeing whorephobic comments come from agents, directors, etc 😪
— Charth Vader 🤖 (@TheCrossXXX) February 7, 2018
Je ne pige rien aux blockchain et à la cryptomonnaie. Genre vraiment rien. Mais les gens derrière Spankchain viennent de sortir CryptoTitties, qui est un outil pour mieux comprendre ce monde mystérieux et permettre aux modèles de faire des transactions en toute sécurité. C’est tout ce que j’ai compris.
Say hello to #CryptoTitties – A simple tool to educate and reward our community. Happy Friday. Happy tipping! https://t.co/bpHhTpxHHh
— SpankChain (@SpankChain) February 10, 2018
Michael Vegas souligne l’incroyable qualité et performance d’acteur dans la série Pure Taboo dans laquelle il a donné beaucoup de lui-même. Un film de cul qui tend vers le film tout court.
The effort and energy out into this movie was an incredible experience to be a part in. We should all be proud of this @yearofthericky @GiaPaige @thebreemills @badboycraven https://t.co/T7zbASpTK4
— Michael Vegas (@ItsMichaelVegas) February 11, 2018
Sur MyFreeCams, les filles (oui, il n’y a ni homme ni personne trans, c’est interdit) ont des soucis. La magnifique cage dorée s’égratignerait-elle ?
I love you @MyFreeCams and appreciate everything you've been doing to improve the site. However, you're not going to see all of these improvements pay off unless you address the traffic problems. We are no where near our competitors 💚🙏
— CATJIRA •tv (@catjiratv) February 8, 2018
La reine du Snapchat du cul, Lena the Plug, a invité Karlee Grey, une copine depuis les débuts de l’aventure sur l’appli.
had fun with @karleegreyxxx on my xxx snap today
>>>>> https://t.co/l1frcrt54s to subscribe and see these vids <<<<< pic.twitter.com/IcgIbiSAhs
— LTP (@lenatheplug) February 9, 2018
Liara Roux a passé la vitesse supérieure et propose des scènes jolies et très excitantes avec de belles personnes.
Coming. Soon. https://t.co/aFlM0wj9zE@theMickeyMod . @MSTRVKTR @nenetlavril . @RileyNixon_ pic.twitter.com/BbtfFOrCSh
— Liara Roux (@LiaraRoux) February 11, 2018
Nadia Nabakova est en train de devenir ma meuf favorite du game. J’aime tous les aspects qu’elle partage sur son Twitter. Ses vannes, sa passion des chats et son physique.
I don’t mind being referred to as a “teen” in porn bc it’s better than “nihilist mid-twenties woman with a concerning obsession with cats”.
— Nadya Nabakova (@nadyanabakova) February 6, 2018
— Nadya Nabakova (@nadyanabakova) February 12, 2018
☀️🍃 pic.twitter.com/Q8QDBqriq4
— Nadya Nabakova (@nadyanabakova) February 11, 2018
Used this massive bath bomb and took the most luxurious bath of my life. 🎀💦 pic.twitter.com/GgswNcvNqo
— Nadya Nabakova (@nadyanabakova) February 13, 2018
C’est ce qu’on m’a dit pour la Saint-Valentin (j’en rêve).
Piss in my mouth and tell me I'm pretty
— 💜 Estella Bathory 💜 (@EstellaBathory) February 6, 2018
Charlotte Sartre est déjà comblée pour la Saint-Valentin. C’est un sacré morceau que voilà !
Could barely fit his dick in my mouth 😍 still took it balls deep in my ass and my pussy though ❤️ video on https://t.co/pXghH3RJcA I’ll be posting the rest of this mind blowing stuff soon so don’t miss out!!! pic.twitter.com/2fuJWbuW05
— charlotte sartre (@GothCharlotte) February 7, 2018
Adriana Chechik me file des frissons.
Today was a good day for @Brazzers …..why????
It was @adrianachechik that’s why 🙌🏻🙌🏻 pic.twitter.com/4WnDWHxyOU
— Keiran Lee (@KeiranLee) February 8, 2018
Sur MyFreeCams, on bat des records.
Thank you for the amazing year @MyFreeCams I upgraded from 10 hot dogs to 12 in a year!! 😍😍😍 pic.twitter.com/ch7jzalqd0
— mouthful of dad (@blonaldtrump) February 8, 2018
Les looks de Bryan Gozzling pour Hookup Hotspot font florès dans la mode. 2019 sera dédiée à toutes les baby gurlz de la Terre.
So Jeremy Scott's fall 2018 collection was just announced & is it just me, or is the whole essence of these looks not inspired by the way Daddy B @BryanGozzling styles his girls?? Like??? In between Balenciaga's crocs, Lady Gaga in pigtails, HUHS is influencing everyday culture!! pic.twitter.com/RMCu0QDAlV
— 👼 (@lilmilakerpants) February 9, 2018
Does @ITSJEREMYSCOTT watch https://t.co/qCVMoW38Yd?? Inquiring minds want to know.. https://t.co/9SwDCYAM5c
— 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕭 (@BryanGozzling) February 9, 2018
Ce tweet d’Olive Glass devrait inspirer nos amis réal avec une bonne idée de parodie XXX. Moi, en tout cas, ça me donne des envies de me mettre au porno.
Fun fact: probably once a day/ every other day, I get asked by a stranger if I speak English. some people just straight up speak French at me (as I stare blankly at them because my French is horrible).
this is extremely common. I blame my haircut. pic.twitter.com/b2VcFkSiBX— Olive Glass (@Olive_Glass_) February 10, 2018
Une belle bande de Millennials !
currently scrolling through Twitter while sucking a dick, while the person attached to the dick is on a call
— janice (@rejaniced) February 10, 2018
Quand j’écris les Quoi de neuf ou les Bons Faps, c’est exactement pareil.
Most days, working in queer porn looks like this. 🐾 #Caturday @CrashPadSeries pic.twitter.com/AXxIKGd10k
— Jiz Lee (@jizlee) February 10, 2018
Le mec vient de bander non-stop pendant 6 jours. J’ai déjà du mal à tenir 6 minutes…
So after 6 days of steady work I get to now kinda rest. Thank you @jamesmogul @kinkdotcom #dannywild @AnalizedDotCom @mikequasar @WickedPictures @BillyVisualXXX with the work and support from everyone I wouldn't be the man I am today. Humble and appreciative. Now it's 😴time.
— Tommy Pistol (@TommyPistol) February 11, 2018
Mince, j’ai vu que ma meuf me préparait une surprise. Ne vous inquiétez pas, je saurai jouer la surprise !
Female talent, who wants to help me surprise my boyfriend on Valentine's Day with a three or foursome? 😍👏🏼come have sex with us ❤️
— Alina Lopez (@ItsAlinaLopez) February 11, 2018
Name a more iconic duo.
#NewProfilePic pic.twitter.com/TlKEtbRUaA
— JuliaAnn™ (@therealJuliaAnn) February 11, 2018
La vie drague sur les rives de nos cœurs pleins de tendresse les belles images des modèles du X et de la cam.
— raya (@whiskeykitten_) February 6, 2018
Old Skool with @irinavega 📸 Photo session by @thenicobertrand
🌟See full gallery with 286 pics here 👉 https://t.co/4ugLJ11Ais pic.twitter.com/YmY0PE8eMU
— Altporn4U (@altporn4u) February 6, 2018
On n’a jamais assez de photos du beau Bishop. True icon.
Meet Bishop Black… A twist on our favourite.
The end by @noelalejandrox starring #pierreemo. Photo by #Andreagalad pic.twitter.com/yQfhtt9Xpl
— Bishop Black (@BiszhopBlaczk) February 6, 2018
I love the way this set makes my small titties look bigger 👀💕 pic.twitter.com/o46QbpX2Mf
— Ella Hughes (@EllaHughesXXX) February 6, 2018
— Liara Roux (@LiaraRoux) February 6, 2018
tbt to big hormonal tiddies pic.twitter.com/snnV86f1me
— janice (@rejaniced) February 6, 2018
Derppppp pic.twitter.com/NtFVUTmzM3
— Riley Reid (@rileyreidx3) February 8, 2018
Check out "My First SeXXX Tape" on @amtrporn #amateurporn : https://t.co/QABGMFwPHT pic.twitter.com/sDJ32WmQ85
— Kelly Green (@KellyGreenLives) February 8, 2018
I'll be insanely busy tonight so you dudes just go fap to My porn while I work ok? https://t.co/lPW7sMlItx have a good one! Get us to 10 million!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/1P35vUQdKP
— Arwen Datnoid (@Arwen_Datnoid) February 10, 2018
Twitch ou Chaturbate ce soir… 🤔 pic.twitter.com/NwE9kPFBkk
— Olly Plum 🌙 (@OllyPlumx) February 10, 2018
— Brenna Sparks 🦄🌸🌈 (@brennasparksxxx) February 10, 2018
Do it with passion. Say it with Lustery.#MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/IfS6eE9A5t
— Lustery (@LusteryHQ) February 12, 2018
A couple of images form a shoot I did for @Xoetrope during #AVN2018 week. They are part of a larger, explicit set that will be available on her Patreon. Love this location… light was amazing Ms Nova was a joy to shoot with. pic.twitter.com/i2SoEzqvRw
— Corey H (@WanderingEyeVis) February 6, 2018
My nipple coming out to play in @calligramme_us lingerie & vintage gown 😱 pic.twitter.com/i6zK1iUDW9
— Zoë Ligon (@thongria) February 6, 2018
😻😻😻 with my babe @ryankeely at AVN. By @tmronin pic.twitter.com/Xlo3z4NyjW
— Olive Glass (@Olive_Glass_) February 9, 2018
Tbt pic.twitter.com/tcftiB8DmH
— Casha (@Nuedvixx) February 9, 2018
ELECTRIC // LOVE featuring @ItsAlinaLopez
BØRNS – Electric Love pic.twitter.com/CTAPZ9nBZF
— Risqué (@wearerisqueco) February 10, 2018
is there life on mars? @effy_elizabeth_ @MollyMeowz pic.twitter.com/7MzVCBaYUp
— jalbxxx (@jalbxxx) February 8, 2018
Photo de une : Nadia Balakova par je ne sais pas qui.
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