Craving For Amateur: Gingerpuss

It wasn’t a very rousing week in the Porn world. In between the Olympic’s Hockey games (Go Team Canada!) and the second House Of Cards season on Netflix, we spotted only a few bits of interesting activity: the Bitcoins acceptance in the Porn game, the deep shit music done by Lupe Fuentes and a potential Grammy award for best video music in the WTF category. Five days with nothing crisp but random garbage-gossips to put in a post. It was a little bit sad and there was even a moment where boredom started to invade me. Did I lose the passion? Hell no, I had to fight this feeling and I took advantage of this free time to find some new faces on Reddit (What a life!). For me, /r/gonewild is a sadistic world where you fall in love every 12 seconds. But as a drug addict in a masochist rush, I keep going there and swap in loop my pure love from a girl to another. For once, in the middle of my fury, I had a true blast with a cutie; my redhead redemption:

Gingerpuss aka Puddems or Firecrotch is not exactly a fresh /r/gonewild girl. She appeared in the radar two years ago and since then, she sporadically posted content for the pleasure of our eyes. You may be aware of my deep love and deviant worship for the soulless ginger girls, no? I have to say, this pale skin being with it’s fire pussy fur is a purfect beauty. So hot that she’s ranking up directly in my top 3 redhead. She has the total teen gears: cute face, kinky-cool attitude, sick crouch, perky boobs. Plus she has an extensive sexual taste for dildos, anal, feet fetish, squirting and stocking. Yes, she’s something a lot of us would beg for. She looks intense, gorgeous, dirty, innocent and even said:
…I admit receiving 500 compliments at once makes me cum so fine that I have to wonder if I’m secretly gay for myself…

Gingerpuss, very cute redhead gives blowjob and swallow brought to you by PornHub Tags: #ginger, #redhead, #blowjob Grade: 96% (181 votes accumulated) We even prepared you more Gingerpuss content in our special Pornhub’s playlist below:
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