Penny Pax: "I am first and foremost a fan of porn!"

I’ve discovered Penny Pax during my interview with Jessie Volt. The French blondie praised the merits of Penny, a newcommer, a regular visitor of the most extreme Kink workshops. What a surprise! And a great one! Behind her jeering smile and thick glasses, I found a deeply hardcore young actress. Playing upon the paradox of her model student style and her true porn performances, Penny tweets pictures of her “The Fox & the Hound” dvd as well as her latest anal session. As simple as that! After the sheep station from New-Zealand, Penny now evolves in a radically different universe, among pornstars, this new setting does not seem to bother her at all.
It’s after my interview with Jessie Volt that I’ve decided to check what was up with you. I just knew you by name and I had never watched any scene in which you played. She told me that you were perfect at holding your cards close to your chest, with your “Little Miss Innocent” style, although you were really into extreme stuff. Are you satisfied with such a description?
Yes! Jessie is such a sexy lady, I cannot wait to work with her! I definitely pride myself on looking the way I do and being into hardcore things.
You take the #glasses tag to another level. Is it a way for you to polish your “top of the class” appearance or are you really blind as a bat?
Haha that’s a little harsh, I’m near sighted so I only really need them to see distance, like for driving. I like to wear them in my scenes to guard my eyes from come. 😉

You’re into pissing, a sexual practice which is not really generalized. How did you discover it? How would you explain the fact that people (including you) find pissing arousing?
I don’t really have an amazing story as to how I found out about it. An old boyfriend and I were showering together and he just told me to get on my knees and I did. It’s hard to explain why I enjoyed the warm liquid streaming all over my face, but I did. There’s something about having this natural fluid from another person being shot all over your body, it’s just hot.
Submission seems to be the keyword regarding your scenes/performances. Does it mean that you would never be on the “domination” side?
Of course not! I am biding my time, trust me. That being said I think the best Doms come from years of subbing and feeling all the things you would later be inflicting on people. It’s like a rite of passage to me, once I feel I can fully submit I will be ready for someone to do the same to me.

You are a regular on Kink. How does it feel to work there?
It’s always a positive experience and a learning one too! I absolutely love shooting with them. Everyone on staff from the editors to the security, each are friendly and always there to help. It’s totally a teaching company to work for and I’m grateful that they continue to have me back.
What is the limit for you when it comes to porn / sexual practices?
I don’t do any cream pies or animal porn. That’s it.

Do you watch porn? What are your favorite tags?
Ooo. I am first and foremost a fan of porn! I don’t watch anything that doesn’t have anal in it. Usually teen anal, fisting, rimming are some of the tags I search.
A usual question on Le Tag Parfait : What are your musical tastes? What kind of music are you listening to these days? Any band/song recommendations for us?
I like any kind of music that you can move to. Not so much country, but when in Rome… I just bought an album that I’m really into while hiking, it’s a big band complication put together by the Readers Digest magazine. Check it out!

According to your twitpics, you really seem to be into Disney, but also into horror films. How could you explain this paradox? Do you feel close to any particular Disney characters?
I like all genres of film! I suppose I just post a lot about those kinds. I love old movies like Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? I feel like Alice sometimes because this world is full of nonsense.
What is your opinion on French porn actors/actresses?
I’ve only met Miss Jessie Volt and I think she’s lovely!

These days, numerous porn actors/actresses speak openly about their consumption of soft drugs (mostly weed). What’s your opinion about it?
I say whatever floats your boat! As long as your not hurting yourself of others, why not spice up your life a little? This world certainly isn’t enough for me!
I read that you’ve lived in New-Zealand. How was it there?
New Zealand is like no where I have lived before. It’s so quiet and peaceful. The water flushes the other way in the toilets and because if the iron in the water my hair turned a lovely shade of green. I lived on a sheep station near Omakau on the South Island. The nearest town was too far to walk and I went to a school that housed k-12th grade! Talk about different! I also came back with a bit of a kiwi accent which was just darling.

Prior to your porn career, you’ve been lifeguard in Miami. It sounds exotic as hell. I used to live in South Beach but unfortunately at the time lifeguards were more Mitch Bucchanon lookalikes than Penny Pax’s. How was this job?
I thankfully worked at a pool in Ft Lauderdale. I hardly ever went to Miami so it wasn’t exactly exotic. I did work at a big aquatic complex right on the beach for a few years but it was more custodial than actual life saving.
I’ve heard crazy stories about lifeguards in my hometown in France (on the Atlantic coast), stories about them fucking in their cabins at night. Was it similar back in Miami?
Not that I knew of! I was a prude back then though…
You have a fantasy about guns, is there any fantasies that you have not yet fulfilled in porn?
Not really fantasies, I just want to shoot more DP’s and gangbangs! I like being man handled and passed around.

What’s your stand on Measure B?
It’s stupid! Since when did we start telling people how to have sex? It should be up to the human beings if we want to use a condom or not. It’s our right.
You make me think of a very young version of Nina Hartley, maybe it’s just due to the glasses but what do think about this comparison?
I’m not sure how to answer that… I don’t know much about her besides the fact that she’s been performing for 30years!
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