Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 24)

Twerk Strikes Back

It’s been a few weeks we’ve been afraid about Miley Cyrus crap Twerk consequences…
The doubt was flying around like a crawling plague: When would the wave of mocking videos stop? and subsequently: Was Twerk dead?

Fortunately, a rising hope is coming directly from mother Russia with the Fraules Girls. There are no crazy drunk guys doing epic shit in custom cars or fighting with bears involved here. But only some Russian hotties dancing around, bending their shaped bodies, giggling their fabulous asses and rubbing themselves against the floor. Go Girls!

Motion bringing emotions; we are pretty sure they would have bring any back-in-the-day cold heart communist to abandon their believes. We even heard from the Kremlin itself, that Stalin’s mummy has a boner.

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Will Southern Siberia save the art of twerking? Possibly.

Thanks to Elena Yatkina, now we know how to pin-point Novosibirsk on a world map. We can only encourage the Fraules Girls to give us more Siberian booty dance sessions all around the world, only for the sake of our geographic skills. GET BACK TO TWERK!

Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 23)

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Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 25)