November 2011: Axel

Nantes – France
Your first encounter with sex?
I was 6 or 7 and I found one of my parents comic book : Fluide Glacial – Happy Ends, édition Edika N°7.I wouldn’t understand anything, it was weird, and contained a bunch of different sexualities; even today I’m not sure I would understand everything.
Your first video?
At friends houses that had Internet before others. It was a parody of a japan movie, they were fighting in the air… very bizarre, since then I keep looking forward to find it… nothing. (ndlr: Thanks to GrosMikko’s researches, our expert in japorn, it could be this vidéo, take that)
How often do you watch porn?
Often, mainly by Tubes, but sometimes I buy a movie on the Internet. The last one was Malice in Lalaland, but on DvD this time.
The first time you said to yourself: “hey this tag is cool”?
#orgy, I found that quite weird
And your favorite ones?
except #orgy, I don’t really have some. I scroll videos until I find something interesting.
And if you had to invent one that does not exist?
#publicorgy ! An insane thing, absolutely crazy!
Your pornstars of the moment?
Skin Diamond ! Her tumblr is amazing too.But also Stoya and Sash, “normal” girls I guess,
Do you sometimes identify to an actor?
Never. that’s not the point.When I see the same actors the whole time, I know them by heart.
Maybe if he has a tattoo i’ll be more careful. And if he is young, like the new guys in Eastern Europe.
It can influence you in your private life?
At the beginning yes a little bit, as usual, but then you quickly forget, there is nothing to deal with.
There’s a trend right now: the tag #blowjob but with tons of drool, what do you think?
I understand that people find it great but my sensibility to that is quite limited . It really depends on the sensibility between the actors, it has to be justified or it’s murky, Porn for Porn.
You’re reading us since when?
Since the 1st January 2011. I was at home and tired to seek for a good video. I googled “The perfect Tag”, I just thinked there would be someone somewhere that found the perfect porn. And so I was directly redirected to the website. First I didn’t understand,but then I read few articles and it was really in adequation with our generation, born with the Internet. We discovered all that by ourselves.
Imagine, you become a porn director, you change anything in porn?
The socks, it’s unbearable! Just remove them! And the music of course, it’s rare enought to get some good tracks, it could be a great change
And concerning the soundtrack?
LCD Soundsytem, their last Album..Or something harder, rock or electro but with big deep sound that sticks to the movie.
© Photo by Guilhem Malissen
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