Summertime: August Ames

It’s been a while since we haven’t given you guys a Fap Parfait. No we didn’t forget you, it was just a busy time for us all. You know, we are at this turning point of the year where you try more than ever to be outside. Your Pornstach perfectly trimmed and your mullet ready to shine, you feel love in the air: people are parading like animals, it smells hormones and it transpires coitus everywhere in the streets. You try to keep cool, but you can’t wait to be wild too and show your 6 pack to the world. Gosh, it’s finally summertime!

Here you are, it’s Sunday and you proudly stand up in this public park with your glorious red Speedo bath-suit on. You try to catch as much sun as possible and with your new addiction to photons, you don’t give a damn crap about sunscreen. Bloody you, will you never learn a lesson from your Mum? Is “Fuck the AUTHORITY” your mantra? You such a rebel. Plus now your body is matching the red of your Speedo. This swagmouflage would make David Hasseloff proud of you.

Around you, flowers, hipsters, mini-shorts and skirts are blossoming. Inside this visual revelry of colors and flesh, you find yourself absorbed by the cycle of life: you want to mate. In this race to coition opportunities, trapped in an infernal spiral of side boobs, you suddenly become obsessed by thigh gaps on big butts. Yes, you think they are some kind of magical holes giving you a direct entry to a better world. You are on fire dude!

A Magical Triangle
Now, you need to calm down, because it’s a public area and not a pubic one. To be honest this swimwear boner is something no one can ignore and it overreacts wiggling like a Geiger counter in the Fukushima area. Sir, I’m afraid you look like a weirdo perv freak and you can’t decently socialize like this. Behave for God sake!

Don’t panic, inhale, go back home and everything is gonna be alright. We think the following fine selection of pornographic moving visual images (with sound!) could help you to rid your anxiety. Let’s start this summer with zeal accompanied by the stunning August Ames. A 20 years old Canadian who started to shoot a little bit more than year ago. If you want to know more, you can follow her on the now indispensable Twitter and Instagram.

We found her by typing randomly a month of the summer season on Pornhub. She literally stroke our screen like a sudden and otherworldly Porn lightning. Brunette, fit, killer smile and a perfect face with a beautiful pair of boobs, she is an amazing ocular experience. Isn’t August a freaking cool month of the year?

Video courtesy of Pornhub:

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Grade: 83% (411 votes)
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