Clips4Sale, A Fetishists' Paradise

Once upon a time, in the vast plains of online porn, there was a lonely kingdom where time had stopped in early 00s. But far from being deserted ever since, a million of unique users per day still enjoy today what this antithesis of tubes has to sell : this is the place where the Marquis de Sade has taken up residence, enjoying a peaceful life for a small fee, amazed by the blazing imagination of our contemporaries.
This enchanted place, the Mecca of Rule 34, has a name one should remember : Clips4Sale.
Cashing in on Niche Porn
Take my hand, follow me on my trip to this place between past and future, where individuals have pushed the concept of niche -and, of our Holy Grail, the perfect tag- to its paroxysm. There, aesthetes of fetishism gather in the alcoves of web, only restrained by the few rules of the site (no uro, no blood, no scat, no necro, no pedo, no drugs…).
For the anecdote, Clips4Sale was born in 2001 and got the AVN award of the Best Alternative Website in 2012. The world’s largest fetish videos platform welcomes producers (mostly amateurs, but also some professionals) who sell directly to customers their clips (from two minutes to one hour) in little studios gathered by subcategories. “Most of the studios are amateurs working from home. There is only a small amount of professional studios. We do cater towards fetish but there is always room for mainstream content. We have over 150 categories and we add new ones weekly” says Neil, the leader of this supermarket of porn.
The main revolution of online porn has been its shift towards amateurism at the end of the nineties, supplanting in the heart of most fappers mainstream productions. The latter had turned at best predictable, at worst trite. This is the rise of home-made porn: a porn aiming towards reality (at last!), a porn you could almost touch. In parallel, fetishist porn developed, offering more and more niche tags to satisfy users always more demanding.
When porn meets exactly your expectations or your fantasies, you make it your own, you live vicariously trough it, it fills this need for identification – which is the engine of excitement. That’s why sex cams and sex tapes go so well – they delight pleasure-seekers and, therefore, the X industry. The dudes behind Clips4Sale well understood these two principles : they enabled amateurs and fetishists all around the world to meet at the same spot and to exchange for a few bucks fantasies and productions.
With its austere design (one might say dull), C4S hasn’t evolved for ten years or so – but it gathers more than a thousand clips per day : “We wanted the design to be simple and straight forward so that customers were not annoyed with pop ups and large images of naked girls like other sites do. If it’s not broken then why fix it. We do make minor changes to move along with the times but feedback from customers and producers is key in any changes we make”. A similar success to Reddit, 4chan or Craiglist – to the internet of yesterday, which didn’t bother with coquetry.
Connected to more than 50 000 studios worldwide, Clips4Sale can boast about being the source the most incredible and diversified of (per-per-view) porn sites, with tags so accurate and so improbable that they push back the boundaries of imagination. You might have the crazy feeling of being overwhelmed by the mountain of possibilities it offers when walking through this thick jungle of tags, den of thousands of little fetish tribes.
When asked about his project being the future of porn and the solution of the porn crisis, Neil answers a bit off the mark -to better emphasize the development of his company in profitable sectors-: “This I do not know for sure but we will be soon in the cam game as well because there is a huge lack of real fetish cam sites out there who have good amateur fetish girls that will do cam shows geared towards what the customers really want”. Roughly, they want to apply what they already succeed in doing with niche porn to the lucrative sector of sex cam – Clips4Sale has a rosy future.
Inside the Beast
During my trip through porn, C4S crossed my path several times – but, then, I didn’t dare to go there. The unwelcoming interface (for the rookie I was then) must have transformed my dick into a scared little soldier. It’s only when I decided to investigate Natasha’s case that I really got into the entrails of the Beast. Natasha was this incestuous mother surfing on the boundaries of legality in her studio on Clips4Sale (its editorial line must have change since – looks like you can’t do what ever you want with child dolls in porn: “No Underage Material Real or Simulated (ex., sex with dolls)”).
A female vampire playing with her tongue, a lollipop and other parts of her body for a dollar a minute, fee that doubles if you decide to pay to have a look at her little vice : to swallow goldfish babies. swimming gathers people … who swim. The very lonesome shopping just follows girls during their shopping, as #hair just unveils the wonderful world of hairdressers, a world where a visit can be pretty expensive – even if there is sometimes no tit to catch a fleeting glimpse of). The amazing and brilliant giantess, POV with wide-angle lenses supposedly gives you the illusion to be a lilliputian (there is also a version with special effects, something like “Honey, I shrunk Uncle the Podophil“). There are plenty of farts and dribble lovers, people who pick their nose or breath with their upper lip, lots of incongruous objects stuffed in all their openings, zealots of inflatable balloons, fanatics of belly buttons…
Porn On Demand
The strength of the site is its drop-down menu unrolling to infinity tags translated to every language – a sign that Clips4Sale aims at what should be the goal of X industry: porn on demand.
This is actually the priority of sex cam business, as Guest1934 explained in his “Cam gossips“, the gimmick that will make the girl irreplaceable and unique. In order to develop their studios, the most successful girls “offer” to answer by video to the much-touted “requests” of theirs fans. You just have to send them a mini-scenario or a specific demand they will comply with it. For instance, “Lory“, a C4S-girl among the others, puts a bucket over her head in her bathroom for the tidy sum of 18.99 $, or answers to this pretty specialized request whose pedo-lol scent will be left up to you :
“I have 1 more request I hope you will do & thats 2 be a naughty mummy & vacuum up your son’s dinner off the plate maybe fishfingers, chips & peas (nothing too messy) perhaps you could tell him his dinner is ready & he doesnt come to eat & so you say ok i know who will eat it the vacuum & let it polish it all up this would be great mistress 🙂 you are amazing”

This good man will ditch 18.99$ without growling, that is to say 11.40$ at least for her (way more if this request arouses more fanatics). A porn on demand, so well targeted that mainstream porn will never ever reach its level. The production of mini-scenarios via downloadable clips or sex cams is the future of online fap. Did I told you the little scenarios I’m sending to my C4S-girl-like? There, I can more or less grant you it’s the best porn I know.
Lory has more than 650 clips to this day, and we can imagine she supplements her pay nicely by offering to men and women worldwide to appease their most crazy fantasies – good for them, good for her, good for everybody.
Porn Destiny: The Niche
While porn industry is looking for solutions going around in circles, Clips4Sale understood something pretty simple : you buy what you can’t find for free. Since fappers will always go further in their search for the perfect tag, they are ready to drop a few bucks to have access to a unique porn, which is not to be found elsewhere – despite the efforts of content aggregators like TubeGalore or TubeKitty to gather the maximum amount of inconceivable tags.
Originally translated from this post by Gaspard Motet
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