April 2011: Ophelie

Paris – France
Your first encounter with sex?
It started at the age of 8. True attraction to girls, shared softness, I won’t get into the details. Maybe it’s due to my uncle’s erotic calendar on the toilet’s door. It was at the same period, around 1994. Then “Basic Instinct” on TV two years later, I couldn’t stay in the living room, I ran into my bedroom. Then, the internet. At the age of 14, huge surprise. I thought I was downloading a video clip (a Linkin park clip, sorry) but it was a whole different universe I discovered.
Your first encounter with the Tag Parfait?
Thanks to you! We first met in a bar, we briefly talked about porn – and astrology, I think – You talked about your urge to create a website about porn culture, it was a year ago.
Your meetings with porn?
It depends on my moods, on my urges. It’s springtime at the moment so i’m all messed up! I watch more porn in spring/summertime than in fall/winter.
By what means do you watch porn?
Chronologically speaking, I’d say: peer-to-peer, google searches, and websites where pop-ups rule, pornhub and xvideos. I never bought porn DVDs or VHS.
Do you ever watch french porn?
No, never. I tried to watch some trailers, but it was only out of curiosity. French porn is way too late, in terms of form and content…and the scripts… I think the budget distribution is poorly done.
What do you think about dirty talk?
It drives me crazy when I watch porn and also in my everyday life. Choosing the moment, the words, the skill and the style, it can quickly become destabilizing and ridiculous. You have to pace yourself and to know how to handle. It’s part of the highlights of the submission process.
Your favorite tags?
I would say hardcore stuff (bdsm, anal, gangbang) but threesome (MMF) remains my favorite tag, and cumshot.
Do you have any favorite pornstars?
I don’t know if I have favorite actresses but I like what some of them radiate.
And the guys in porn, do you mind or are they just toys?
I feel way more attracted to girls than boys in porn. Actually, I don’t focus on male actors at all. Over muscled and brutal guys are not my style.
If you had to change a porn’s soundtrack what would you play?
Dirty rock’n’roll, minimal and bass-fed track like this one.
And in order to create the perfect porn, what would you change?
The girl’s voice? I think there would be more foreplays focused on girls. More aestheticism in the clothing and some camera shots. This question deserves a greater thinking but I constantly try to make the perfect porn out of my own life.
© Photo by Louis Canadas
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