Gifs Of The Week #12

Good evening you all! I hope you are enjoying a nice and cushy Sunday while I’m tinkling away on my computer looking for gifs. An occupation that’s like a small bubble of fresh air in a weekend that isn’t one. My only wish for the coming year is: may my Internet diversify and stop displaying the latest creepy trends as regards naked chicks. The latest being girls dipped in flour all over. You might say this gives its full meaning to the term “bun”, but being asthmatic, potential specks of dust scare me a little.
So, this week, no baked buns, but equally dishy breasts, a touch of squirt, and an #indianhandjob.

OK. It’s very hot — like 94°F hot, i.e. the opposite of what Chicago is going through right now. You are holding a cold bottle in your hand, and feel like rolling it on your bust to cool you off. What else?

Nice #gagged gifs like this one are too scarce. Of course this little wonder fell upon me by pure chance, which, to my mind, makes it even tastier.

“No, non, no!” No cute boobies for you! Besides, why would you deserve them? Anyway, this gal has all the rights in the world! That sweetie face is too cute to be annoyed.

This is another very decent way to celebrate New Year in case you don’t have a Champagne worthy of the name close at hand. Or if you don’t like Champagne. In short, it’s far funnier, and you won’t risk breaking a chandelier or blinding a pal in one eye.

Initially, I didn’t want to post this here, because the first version I found wasn’t good quality. But then I nevertheless carried out further research, that lead me straight to this very acceptable version, despite the pixelated cocks, but that’s not our fault, is it?
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