Behemoth: Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel

The latest Behemoth video music “Blow your Trumpets Gabriel” landed at the beginning of 2014 on the Internet, and we must say that it’s a freaking good video. Behemoth? Yeah, you know, one of these Polish traditional extreme music band enjoying country walks in gloomy woods, war painting, blast beat, epic guitars, virgins blood and Satanic rituals. It’s not your usual Sunday but Metalheads have their own weird bucolic habits. And you know, behind their shells made of screams and organized sinful noise, they have a soul and they can be quite nice people. True evil are people listening to Justin Bieber, David Guetta or One Direction. That’s said!

In Blow your Trumpets Gabriel, the guttural deep voices are illustrated by a pure black and white picture style where we can find a whole ancient-biblical imagery with: wolfs, lambs, shepherds, angels, dark cult, nude odd beauties, sacrifice and blood. The photography, slow motion feeling and edit are creating a true aesthetic tour-de-force and either if you like the music or not, don’t be prude and have a look. Some of the pictorials and shots are simply beauteous.
[youtuber vimeo=’′]
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