April 2013: Emeline

What is the first picture you used as a masturbatory material?
The first « pictures » which got me excited before internet could be found in erotic novels or old Fluide Glacial comic books sitting around in my country house. I don’t have precise memories about them.
What was the first porn you watched?
It was a rather murky thing I watched by accident while I was babysitting on a Saturday night. There was a dude in suspender belts, it made me feel uncomfortable, I immediately changed the channel. Later when I had internet at my place, I watched weird stuff, downloaded by mistake while looking for movies or “free porn” on google.
And the last one?
Two scenes featuring Lily Carter : a gang bang with James Deen and her first double penetration. By the way, I wrote about it on the late meilleurporn.com
Who are the actresses who make the most impact on you?
Lily Carter, precisely. I’m not that much into her physically speaking but she’s very expressive and she doesn’t sound fake, especially when she comes. I think it’s important. And then Stoya, but I admire her so much that it’s become almost impossible to fap for me. I content myself with her articles and I watch gifs of her in a continuous loop. It’s a sort of platonic love, haha.
You’re a gonewildeuse, why?
I enjoy trying new things and it allows me to take pictures of myself which is something I’ve always loved. It’s also exciting to expose myself (and it’s good for the ego, I can’t deny it). However I don’t want to give my nickname here and I don’t want to show my face on GoneWild, I prefer to remain anonymous in order to feel free to post whatever I want.
You seemed taken aback while we were shooting and yet you don’t seem to have a problem to be shot naked, why?
I’m very shy but not really modest. Besides I’ve never been shot by a photographer, dressed or not. Modeling is a job anyway.
What are your tags?
Mostly #doublepenetration combined with the name of an actress I like, it’s enough for me. From time to time, #fuckingmachine as well, to find non-simulated orgasms.
Why don’t you like it when Kristina plays with Ferrara?
First time I saw them together in the famous parking lot scene, I was flabbergasted. A few months later , I watched another one, and Krstina was really over the top comparing with her other scenes and it pissed me off. It seems that she’s secretly in love with Ferrara and she’s making way too much effort to draw his attention, it’s unbearable. I watched the parking lot scene again and I noticed the same thing, it suddenly appeared to me as pathetic and no longer exciting at all – event though I still like the scene, aesthetically speaking. And yet I appreciate Kristina Rose in as an actress. I lost some respect for Kristina after following her on twitter and instagram. She doesn’t have the intelligence or culture of Sasha Grey or Stoya, it kinda made her less attractive. I have a hard time separating her physical appearance and her performance.
What kind of music would you use to make love?
I listen to a lot of music but hardly ever in those moments, I don’t know why. I f I had to choose, I would probably pick any songs from Psychic Ills, Vincent Gallo, or Matthew Dear latest album.
Why do you want to become a Parfaite?
Same answer as the one about Gonewild, because it was the opportunity for me to pose for photographs for the first time ever and also because I really like Le Tag Parfait.
Shot by © Guilhem Malissen
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