Opsowned, Flashlight

There are three kind of content on Vimeo: Pro videos for portfolios, Porn stuff that get flagged quickly and videos with teens in panties dancing around on shitty Dubstep. Well, don’t be too excited, this last category is mainly composed of tasteless and boring BTS from photo shooting. Disappointing eh!
Unfortunately, in Flashlight, Opsowned (photographer and director) is applying some overused recipes. Mixing music, panties, boobs and an approximate polished photography, we have indeed no surprises here but the model. Guys, this model… She is a pure marvel. A real tasty girl you want next to your door. Far away from the usual bored anorexic girls and their advanced math skills in calories counting; she’s playful, naughty, cute and she can’t help stretching this quite delightful tanga of her, revealing to our eyes a yummy camel toe (spoiler!). We want to see more of her now!
For the general video rhythm and mood, well we guess they should take some courses on how to make a simple video editing. That would be a good start. But for now, mute the video and put anything you want on it, it’s gonna be the same wooden effect when she will appear on your screen. Nevertheless, we suggest the last Gessafelstein or the last Clutch, but at the end it’s up to you.
[youtuber vimeo=’http://vimeo.com/77958772′]
Originally translated from this post by Duff
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