Gifs Of The Week #5

This week, I enjoyed looking for gifs in a total rush and coming upon ones that made me giggle. Between two reblogs, I did note the collective crush on Aubrey Plaza, from Parks and Recreation. I’m not judging or anything, just observing how her presence has lately been proliferating on tumblr. She is not especially my type of gal, but anyway. Let me simply remind you that Miranda Kerr is still single. Now you do what you want with that information.
On this week’s menu: some mild fetish trips, a touch of not-too-friendly BDSM and a small section of Kelsi Monroe’s anatomy.

First, let’s have a nice fetish gif with this double-foot-job. The guy’s idea is understandable. The gentle stroke of silk stockings on the delicate skin of a nicely shaved wee-wee must indeed feel delicious.

The chick decides to give her man a little treat, in a position that is far from being the most comfy, since she thus benefits from a one-to-one with a pair of balls. And yet the guy can do no better than to draw his belt. It is assumed that this is done with joint agreement, but still, seems to hurt like nobody’s business.

I think it was Saint Sernin who surveyed his followers to know if the gentlemen enjoyed having their nuts sucked. I’d be cautious if I were you, one of the testicles here almost got swallowed.

Kelsi Monroe has a butt that brims over her thong. Yes, if you take a very close look, you will notice two tiny bits of fabric. That booty nevertheless remains an incitement to vice, like a bagel bread too small to contain the whole salmon and cream cheese.

The ban on bunches is still relevant in 2013. And if you chum asks you to wear some, don’t! He just wants to put you on. And maybe also yank on those 800$ extensions like a madman.
Originally translated from this post by Ms. Alice
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