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Fashion or Porn: The Game

So we go back again to the Fashion and Porn convergences subject. To me it has always looked simple. The Fashion industry needs to sell products. Sex sells. Porn is Sex, so Porn does the selling trick too (clever!). Luxe/Chic are kinda extreme in Fashion and are niches, so is Porn. You can therefore, logically, use Porn to sell some kind of Fashion products. QED.

Nowadays, it looks like Fashion and Porn are leaving a pretty casual relationship….

Will chic stay Porn? I think so, but let’s discover today a funny game called Fashion or Porn. Released by the Italian magazine NSS, it is aim to test your ninja skills in making the difference in between Porn and Fashion worlds.

Through some partly unveiled photos, you need to guess if it’s Porn or Fashion. Easy no? You will see there and there some photos or styles you may already know (Terry Richardson is everywhere) and you can even stare at some delightful boobs, dicks and vagina. Our beloved and holly Saint-Sernin has beat us all with a 39 on 40 score.


Click to Play!

At Le Tag Parfait, we always give a reason for your procrastination to keep on rolling!

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  • Dear LTP,
    would you be kind enough to tell me who the hell is this beauty on the background of the “fashion or porn” home page ?

    Million thanks

  • Lulu, that is Emily Ratajkowski on the main page…she is really started making a name for herself ever since she was in that Robin Thicke music video topless…

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