Porn Evolution (Part I): Four Chambers

All that we see or seems
Is but a dream within a dream
Four Chambers new video tease “Proof // of the reflective property : vex (tease)“, looks like a poetic walk through a dream and offers us an intriguing visual experience with the stunning Vex. Flirting with solitary pleasure, skin, abstract forms, flares, light beams, black, blur, projected elements, symmetries and geometries, we literally feel like being in a Lynchean / Kubrickean’s erotic crossover scene.
Transported by streams of light and darkness, you imagine yourself floating somewhere in deep space. Motionless, without gravity, you are crystallized in a blessedness state. Simultaneously, in your contemplative stasis, your brain is buzzing at lightspeed. There, you find yourself overwhelmed by a sweet sensation of near-ecstasy and your senses are exhilarated by Vex’s presence. At this specific instant, the video object becomes an entire artistic form and we are experimenting something that might fingertip the skeletal foundations of a new Porn era.
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I must admit, after these 5 teasing minutes, I dream of seeing more like in Four Chamber’s other brilliant creations. Primavera, Proximity, Sol, Exchange and Treats, all these video concepts are different and appeal to the curiosity. Why? Originality and Freshness.
We talk a lot about it at Le Tag Parfait, but we need to keep in mind that it is important to show some support to the Indie and Alt Porn scenes. Not only because we enjoy intellectual fapping (words are the sperm of the brain) but because we believe it’s a vital action for the evolution of our beloved Porn Culture. Feel free to give Four Chambers a hand if you enjoy their stuff.
The Act of Transgression
Porn doesn’t uniquely evolve thanks to its technologic advances, as these are only tools that aim to simplify or amplify the Porn experience. Erotic and Pornographic visual objects, in all their forms, are behaving like any kind of expressiveness medium: they need to go through various phases of experimentation and transgressions to achieve their ideal evolution. Transgression is defined as: “to go beyond the boundary limits” and to work as such, its aim is to be an act that is intentional, meaningful, and risky.

What could we say about transgression in Porn right now? We all know that Porn itself transgresses as a genre, but we can see it wade through a pond full of stereotypes it can’t really get rid of (does it want to?): An industry of bad taste, sexist and disgusting sexist—but still lucrative. Which is true and it stays stuck in this slot because most of the Porn misses the fundamental substance of intention. A wide majority of productions are following a simple procedure: Porn leads to a fleeting ejaculation. Why change a recipe that makes endless money by itself?

We can figure out that the transgression’s act itself is beneficial in Porn because it continuously breaks barriers as it pushes further the definition of “admissibility”. But Porn is a business and is part of the exponential supply and demand’s modern-kinetic: People get easily bored, so they want more products faster. To give more, producers need to pick trends from elsewhere (niches), they apply them and the population is satisfied (but not for long). Let’s take a practice like “Prolapse“; I bet it’s going to land on the mainstream Porn’s fields in the near future, along the now classic trio: “Gaping“, “Gagging“, “Drooling“. It is transgressing for the act of transgression. When transgression has no meaning, no real intentions and takes no risks, it just becomes a flat vulgar norm without any goals.

Behavioral Porn
Porn tends to define frontiers of social norms and has a Behavioral vision of the consumer. It is shaping them through a systematical conditioning, because Porn is a medium itself (with its own message).While back in the day, people were sneaking X-rated magazines or Playboys to satisfy a natural raising curiosity, now youngsters watch Porn like any TV-Show and it widely influences their intimacy. All behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment and our responses to these environmental stimuli construct our behaviors.
Potentially, Porn shapes most of the population’s sex-life right now and we are all Porn rejects. All we can do to fight against this established fact is by staying open minded, sharp, critical and overall curious.
Why be so critical? Because WE LOVE PORN and we care about its health.

Easy transgression, dirty behaviorism and new-technologies are the selling points. Can the abundance of Porn makes us lazy in our sexual quest? And what is better than a Naughty-America flick in the “My wife’s hot friend” series, with #ATM #MILF #GAG #ANAL, in UHD 4K definition on your 720p screen? Nothing, if you are a random lazy fat-ass Texan ashamed of a monthly Brazzers subscription hanging for years now on your credit-card bill.

Porn (mainstream) is sick and old. To become meaningful, intentional, to evolve to the next step and explore itself, it needs an absolute, necessary and drastic breakdown. Luckily, some inventive and visionary alternatives ideas are emerging. Now, we hope mainstream giants won’t phagocyte these embryos, spoil them, recycle them and ruin everything too quickly.
Meanwhile, stay curious!
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