Four Chambers: Crystalline

You guys should be aware about our deep fondness with Four Chambers. Why such a dedication? Because we still believe that their point of view on the “porn to be” is pretty accurate. They keep raising some legitimate question on the possibilities of an alternative porn within the various arty concept they spreads to our. Plus, their video are always surprising and enjoyable to watch. Their last opus, called Crystalline, is an interesting collaboration with Ortie. For those who don’t know this last name, Ortie is an excellent French photographer and film director who fosters an amazing intimate work.


Crystalline is featuring Dwam, Auryn, Blath and our beloved Vex (with who we had a cool interview last week). As usual, Four Chambers produced here a visual entity which is not falling under any defined case of ostentatious porn. It is more like an essay. An intriguing smooth piece, full of sensitivity: an ocular haze poetry.

The naked bodies and the sexuality are here some sort of visual alliteration exploring a new facet of porn and helping us from to escape from the enslaving convenience of our tiny screen. It’s like if we were looking through a piece of transparent gemstone. The various pictorial deformations created: blur, distortions, reflections, refraction and other chromatic aberration are making a whole spectral flow to the video. Accompanied by an excellent soundtrack (made by My Friend Is), the whole atmosphere looks like a soft, sweet and arousing lesbian dream. The following Vimeo trailer will give you an idea.
If you liked and if you want to see the full 15 minutes piece, you can go there, donate and encourage Four Chambers in their quest.
Thank you for that article ! In a way, it strangely moved me that you appreciated the short movie so much. Really, thanks
I’d like to add that if ever you’re willing to help us creating more of these videos, we launched an Indiegogo fundraising project – and spreading the world would help a lot :
I hope you’ll appreciate further creations as much 🙂
PS: I’m DwaM – wit an “m” 😉
Oups, sorry for the mistake.
J’ai l’habitude 🙂
Merci beaucoup pour la correction super rapide !
And the deleted video is seeable here, for now