Tumblr: Just Another IKEA Catalog

“Hey guys! I’ve got a huge boner right now!” That’s what you use to hear when you work for Le Tag Parfait. The boss gets excited when he feels the buzz coming. “Wake up, you gang of morons, I need something quickly about this Ikea porn Tumblr shit! Saint-Sernin, you’ve got 30 minutes, hurry up!”
I have no choice. He’s the boss and if you don’t want to follow his lead, you have to toss the salad of @Pornkid. He’s cute but he’s not really my type of girl. Anyway, I start my duty.
At the beginning, I found this IKEA Tumblr called Just Another IKEA Catalog. It’s about porn gifs with some IKEA furniture or accessories as pieces of interior design. Mostly amateur porn or fake amateur porn then. The guy who owns the Tumblr takes a part of a scene, makes a gif, and adds the label of the furniture. How great is this idea? Furthermore, the guy details the chair or the lamp with real key features and dimensions. Moreover, you’ll find a direct link to the real IKEA Catalog, and another link to the video. Fapping 360 experience!
Now, you can design your interior like a real porn set. A Jäll here, a Malm there. Nothing easier with Just Another IKEA Catalog. Double tag #Porn #InteriorDesignPorn.
I’m buying the Expedit shelving unit for 89.99. Really want to bang my girl on it.

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