Manuel Ferrara: True Porn

Manuel Ferrara continues to fly over the porn world with his respect for women and the way he fucks, so intense and personal. Distant meeting, during a Los Angeles morning with the greatest pornstar of our time, our national pride.
You have a 15-year career, 10 years in the U.S., you still have the same energy. What drives you?
Changing partners every day, this is what makes you keep that same envy, same libido and allows you to go on with the same enthusiasm. Sometimes, we see the same girl again but still it’s different every day, that’s what’s exciting.
Would you see yourself doing what you do for much longer?
Yes but we all get older. As long as when I get on the scene, the girl doesn’t look at me and tells herself “oh shit, it’s with him that i’m working today”, I’ll go on.
Where does your creativity in the POV come from?
I have always appreciated real sex, I always wanted to fuck on camera the same way that I fuck in private. Over time, the way I fuck has changed. At first I was doing very rough scenes and a bit violent, now I try to create more contact with the girl. But I always had the same purpose: to make her come and enjoy. On my Raw series – which for me is the best – I really try to bring out the true sex, the sextape side.

Do you think these kind of produced sextapes are future?
It might be an option. When everyone goes for parodies, I try something different, the opposite of that. Parodies, it’s really the porn’s cancer, I try to get away from it as much as I can. Even if there’s passion in my other series like Slutty and Sluttier or Evil Anal, where it is clearly porn, it does not approach the level of intimacy of a Raw.
Are you going to create a sequel of French Vacation?
I would like but it is not easy because there are not enough girls in France. The business is dead and there’s no more cash. If there was more money on the table, I’m sure there would be some very pretty girls that would try it, but when they hear the prices, they think it’s not worth showing their heads at that price. It’s hard in France and in Europe.
How did you get to the U.S.?
At the time I worked a lot for Rocco and Christopher Clark in Budapest and Prague. One day John Stagliano came to Budapest, we met and he told me about a big project called The Fashionistas, a few months later he called me to be the second film role alongside Rocco. Of course I said yes, I went there and it was great. I met people who told me: “hey you work hard, would you mind staying longer?” I stayed, and it started to really work well.
At the time the players here were very mechanical, as soon as you came with your own way of fucking, you’d stand out of the pack pretty easily.
Do you think you can create vocations with the way you fuck?
Some guys in the business tell me, “I look at your stuff and that’s why I started doing this, doing that” kind of like me at the time with Christophe or Rocco whom I was a huge fan. At the very beginning you tend to imitate these characters a little.
Do you realize that you can be as a model for private sex too?
The way I fuck in my films is the same as in my private life. I try not to send the girl into the air and catch her on my dick. I hate this acrobatic style, this “made for the movie” side. Many filmmakers do not work with me because I don’t do what they want. They cannot tell me “hey, put the girl’s arm behind his head and Co.” either I do it my way either I do not do it. I’ve always worked that way.
Are your gonzo scenes improvised or do you prepare them in advance?
It depends, when I do shows like Slutty & Sluttier, Evil Anal, Evolution… I work a little more on the intros, but sometimes I’m too lazy and I tell her: “Go on and dance in front of the camera during 5 minutes and after, we fuck”, but it’s not the kind of porn I want to do. On the other hand, for Raw I do not prepare anything, I tell the girls “makeup if you want, no fishnet, no crazy outfits, I want it real”.
When I played with Lou Charmelle, it was really the first time I actually met her. I try to keep the thing as real as possible. The more you prepare, the more they play and unfortunately porn actors – including me – are not really the best for acting (laughs).

Your scene with Kristina Rose in Kristina is a Slutwoman was really mind blowing. You can tell us more?
It’s hard for me to talk about that, even more now … With Kristina we got along really well, we loved to work together and fuck. I think in her mind it was going a little more further than reality. That evening, she had been, I think, somehow debriefed by the real. Elegant Angel does very good films and when they make one for a particular actress, they are even more focused. The director knew how Kristina felt about me and how she wanted to act… The sex was real, it was really a beautiful scene, on of these scenes where you end up telling yourself: ” holy shit … wow.”
Many people like the kind of porn where the girl looks at the camera, I hate it. I want to see a true connection between the actor and the girl, I think that’s what’s great in this scene, we’re really fucking because we want to fuck, not just because we’re acting or making a movie. The scene itself was incredible. It was TRUE, TRUE, TRUE.
But… it was a pretty special moment, there’s been plenty of stories with this scene, it was going to be an AVN Nominees that year then there’s been something… they removed it and then put it back the following year and we won a prize.
What is working in Los Angeles like? Is it some sort of family thing, or is everyone working on his own?
The vast majority works in their corner. Personally, I completely separate my private life and my job. When you go out and you’re going to dinner with “porn people”, you often end up talking about porn. I can not do this all my life, I must get out of it sometimes to appreciate it even more. Other people can’t do that, it’s their life, they live for it and they hang out with porn people only. I think there are small groups, but generally people are quite separated.
How do you think porn is going to evolve in the following years?
I hope that parodies will stop, I really struggle with that. Story movies will probably come back at Digital Playground or Wicked because there are too many people who made bad gonzo; the girl dancing 5 minutes, two guys coming in and fucking her on the sofa – it really sucks. I grew up with the real gonzo: Joey Silvera, Stagliano, Rocco and Christopher Clark… and I would like to see a little more of that kind again.

You have also played in Sweet Sinners, which is a competitor of the Romance series, do you think it has a future?
I did it because I was friends with the director, it was a favor i did to him. But this is more for TV channels, more “for couples”, perhaps it’s a way for a guy to tell his girl: “let’s watch a porno, do not worry this is not disgusting, it’s not Manuel Ferrara (laughs).”
And what about series like the Digital Playground for example?
That’s to win the fans loyalty… I do not believe much in this kind of product, the guy who expects what will happen in the next episode. In my opinion, a story in porn if it’s not something that will excite you before the fucking starts is pretty much useless. The pizza delivery man or the plumber, they don’t excite anyone. What is missing in these films is a true perversion in the story like in that old Italian movie with Christopher Clark and Anita Rinaldi.
I am friends with Robby D. (dir. at Digital Playground, ed), we laugh all the time and I make fun of him because he writes all that stuff. He is more comfortable with comedy than perversion. Robby is probably the most qualified in porn about cinematography, he knows his job, the only thing he’s missing is someone who can write good stories.
During the lockout you trained in the same gym as the great basketball players: Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett or Shawn Marion. What is your level? Where did you get this passion?
I’m a dick at basketball, I started very late. I grew up practicing judo and it is not easy here… But I have friends who played basketball here, so I started playing with them. At first I was a bit like the guy who comes to soccer and about who the others say: “Crap why did he show up today, he’s going to screw the game.” Now I play better but I am very far from the pro level. I have a good 3-point shot, I get around pretty well but hey… I’m not going to make it my career even if I play every day.
And by the way, what music do you listen to these days?
I’m coming back to French rap, which I had abandoned for a while. When I get back to France, I turn the radio on and I can’t listen to Skyrock. I’m a rap fan, but they broadcast the same thing every hour, it’s just unbearable… So I came here and a friend told me: “hey do you know Orelsan?” I knew a little about him but at that moment I was hooked. Otherwise I listen to stuff like Kery James, Busta Flex or Zoxea or even old Assassin music. In fact there are plenty of old guys who have not stopped, like Busta Flex, whom I am a big fan, they are just less shown.
It’s the writing that is factually incorrect. Kery James, what he writes is really poetry. By you got against other rappers in France Sefyu that are hard for me to listen, I tell you that this is not good, just that it’s… “dirty”. Again it takes for everyone… It is perhaps as I get older and I still pretty old school in my report.
What is your perfect tag?
I watch a lot of amat stuff, I was also a big fan of German Goo Girls. But it is always the same kind of stuff: all that is true. I know everybody here so I quickly spot when the fuck is bogus or not.

Why do you practice a lot of rimjob, even though it’s still rather marginal to the mainstream porn?
I do not think it is so marginal, in porn it’s just more calibrated: pussy licking, blowjob, two vaginal positions, an anal position, and done. While in what I do or what Rocco does, we are free to do what we want, what excites us. Same when I shoot the others, I want them to do what they really like to do. And if that’s rimjob, then rimjob there’ll be.
Do you sometimes refuse working with some girls?
Yes of course, actually now I work only with the girls I want to work with…
How does having groupies feel?
It’s always nice, it shows that porn is moving in people’s minds. When I was younger, and it was just 10 years ago, girls were not talking about porn. While now, more and more dare talking about it, on Facebook or Twitter I get messages every day from women who love porn, not only the vanilla films, but hardcore stuff. Women know what they want, I think they have always known except that it was not said, before. Now it no longer shocks when a girl who says “I like to get strangled, I like to take slaps, I also like strangling guys, or dildo some guy.”
Will women be the future of porn?
There’s too many people trying to think for women. It depends on the moments and people, some girls will love anal or hardcore, and others not. But maybe the fact of assuming certain things will help the porn a lot.
A last word ?
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