Pornhub Creative Director Contest: The Final

Two month ago Pornhub launched an online contest to find a new Creative Director for their brand. For the competition, people were aim to submit original ads designs and concepts for an SFW Pornhub’s national campaign. A none pornographic ad for a pornographic website: SMART. This cool G-Rated initiative is one among other clever “all public” moves Pornhub is making for a few time now.
It’s obvious, Pornhub is mastering the art of buzzing and this year their name was on all the mouths. All the web was talking about them, even the most serious news brands such as Adweek and Business Insider. We can’t wait to see the next things they will come up with!
With hundreds of submissions, the creative director’s competition was hard and fierce, but we finally have a Pornhub’s fine final selection of 15 ads. Now, it’s time for the public to vote for the best over here.

And for the video contest :
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