Gifs Of The Week #13

Now that we have taken stock of 2013, time to turn toward the future. 2014 is here. I didn’t really make any resolutions for this commencing year, except to keep following my path through the Internet. I’ve been selecting gifs for more than six months now, and I intend on nurturing this column for a long time to come.
The transition to 2014 gave Internet a perfect pretext for delivering rather juicy gifs. So this week you’ll have to deal with a geisha, some acrobats, brazen teachers, and pizza.

In my opinion, the chef was right adding a personal secret flavor, because that pizza obviously wasn’t complete. Tomatoes, cheese, ham, mushrooms: OK. But where are the olives? And where is the fucking egg, man? A pizza without an egg is as ludicrous and sad as a Sunday without a roasted chicken!

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